Graffiti Mix Pentas Flowers How to Get Them to Perk Up Again

Hosta, Plantain Lily Flower

Hostas, likewise called centre-foliage lilies, belong with their approximately 40 wild species to the about cute decorative leaf forbs. They originate mainly from Nippon, where they thrive mainly in absurd-humid mountain forests. The dark or multi-coloured foliage with big or small leaves sets unique accents, even in areas of the garden where hardly anything grows. Not to forget the filigree blossoms to a higher place the foliage.

Plant Profile


  • Plant Profile
  • Care
    • Location
    • Watering
    • Fertilising
    • Cutting
  • Propagation
  • Pests
  • Diseases
  • Sorts
  • plant family: Asparagus family (Asparagaceae)
  • genus: Agaves
  • botanical name: Host
  • piddling names: Host, heart-leaf lily
  • origins: Nippon and next Asian spatia
  • plant species: decorative leaf-perennial
  • summer greens, persistent, herbaceous plants, bristly growt
  • height depending on the diversity from ten to 100 cm
  • blooming from June to September, clustering inflorescenc
  • colour: white to light violet or blue
  • leaf color: unlike greens, teal, white or yellowish-dark-green speckled, panachaged
  • short, horizontal, mostly branched rhizomes, partially foothills forming

All Hosta species are perennial and herbaceous growing plants whose leaves are sitting on long leaf stalks. These attractive shade perennials inhabit Europe since the stop of the 18thursday century. There are around 4000 varieties worldwide. The about outstanding characteristic of these perennials is undoubtedly their extremely decorative leaves.

Hosta, Plantain Lily Flower in the garden
Hosta, Plantain Lily Bloom

These can be strained or wavy, center-shaped or lanceolate, large or minor, depending on the sort. The foliage dyes are especially fascinating from monochrome green to white bordered and white or yellow panachaged unto a shining shade of blue. Depending on the variety, the flowering period is betwixt June and September.


Plantain lilies are fascinating plants that detect more and more gentleman. Some of these beautiful perennials are already real collector's items. The center-leaf lily is not a turbo perennial like many other plants, it is getting lusher and more magnificent twelvemonth by yr, every bit long as it is able to abound undisturbed.

With some patience and proper care this decorative leaf forb captivates with increasing dazzler and longevity. And so it is, at the ideal location, relatively undemanding and easy to maintain.


Most Hosta varieties favor shaded up to half shady sites. In their original homeland they mostly grow under bushes and shrubs, where there is not very much light. In spite of all, some varieties also tolerate dominicus. The required intensity of light can be seen very well on the leaf colour. Every bit a rule: the more vivid leaf units, the less sun it takes.

Hosta, Plantain Lily Flower in the garden patch
Hosta, Plantain Lily Blossom

In contrast, varieties with yellow, yellow-bordered or brilliant green leaves crave sufficient light, then the colouring is the most pronounced. Nonetheless intense sunlight at noon should be avoided because it could cause burnings on the leaves. Nowadays there are varieties for most any location that brought this plant the championship "Perennial of the Year" in 2009.

Soil Atmospheric condition

The soil should be fresh to moist, permeable, slightly acidic and not too nutrient rich. Plantain lilies can manage lean soils much better than heavily fertilized soils. At best, the soil is rich in humus with an amount of sand or clay. It is appropriate to enrich information technology with compost or rotten manure earlier planting.


When planted at the right site, unique effects can be accomplished with Plantain lilies. With plant neighbours such as false Spirea, Rattle Root, Astilbes or beside shaded grasses and ferns. Also as a sub planting under trees and shrubs such every bit east.g. Rhododendron and in combination with early blooming onion flowers and other Hosta varieties, these leaf beauties make a very good figure. They can be planted both in the bed and in the bucket.

  • planting after the ice saints, from mid-may
  • loosen the soil in the planting area upwards well and fold in some compost
  • trench a planting hole, that should be every bit large as the root-bales
  • deploy the Hosta as far into and then that the upper office of the root Bale closes up with the Earth's surface
  • fill seeding hole with soil, press on the soil and water thoroughly
  • ensure good drainage for bucket planting
Hosta, Plantain Lily Flower has different leaf colors
Hosta, Plantain Lily Flower


Depending on the nature of the soil, these extraordinary decorative leaf forbs should be watered moderately. More frequent on very hot days. The floor should never be too dry and not completely dry out in no case. It is appropriate in summertime to water exclusively in the early morning hours or in the evenings.

In addition, if possible, it shouldn't be watered over the leaves to avoid combustion. A layer of mulch ensures that the moisture remains longer in the soil and prevents excessive weed growth. Even if this found loves moist soils, it does non like any accumulating wetness. This applies both to Hostas in the bed and pot cultivated specimens.


Different to the water requirements, the Hostas need for nutrients is not particularly high. To comprehend it, it is unremarkably sufficient directly while planting and then each in springtime to put compost effectually the plants, earlier the start of the proliferation, and slightly work it in into the soil. If necessary a second fertilisation with organic fertilizer, for example horn shavings, immediately after the blossom can be meaningful.

Hosta albomarginata
Hosta albomarginata


There is no proper cut for the Plantain lilies as they are known for example from woody perennials and other plants. These plants belong to the summer green plants, i.e., the leaves are extremely common cold-sensitive and already beginning to plow yellow in the autumn and completely rot in wintertime.

Hosta albomarginata
Hosta albomarginata

Even if the rotten leaves don't expect particularly beautiful, they should exist left on the plant until the side by side spring. This has the reason that it will serve as an additional winter protection and to the other numerous microorganisms every bit a shelter in the wintertime. Right earlier the new shoot, y'all can remove the dried foliage.


Perennials like the Hostas are very frost-resistant. This applies certainly merely to the subterranean establish parts, while flowers and leaves do not withstand the first frost. An additional winter protection isn't usually needed with the exception of bucket plants. To protect them in the wintertime, information technology is appropriate to place them in front of a wall and wrap the bucket with jute, fleece or a coconut mat.

Hosta albomarginata
Hosta albomarginata

Information technology is not fertilised in winter. We recommend a placement in the house, at temperatures below 4 degrees for almost 8 weeks. This way they sprout once more vigorously in spring. After all, Hostas in the saucepan should be repotted around every ii years.


The heart-leaf lily should exist split about every 4 years or if the bristle has become likewise big. Thus it isn't only possible to breed, a separation ensures that this year past twelvemonth more and more growing perennials neighbour perennials are not supplanted in their growth or even suppressed. Experts recommend splitting as the all-time kind of convenance this attractive decorative-leaf perennial.


  • splitting is the most common and simplest form of propagation
  • ideally in the early spring when the first leafage buds show
  • lift the Hosta gently out of the footing with the spade
  • remove wilted and putrid plant and root parts
  • split the bristle with the spade or a sharp knife in pertinent many parts
  • each of the pieces should take enough root work
  • plant at the new location into the well loosened soil and water well
Hosta ‚Captain Kirk'
Hosta ‚Helm Kirk'


Propagation by sowing is also possible. However, not every sort forms seeds. You lot can acquire seeds in the specialized trade and pre-grow information technology in the house twelvemonth-round. Sowing of Hostas is more than elaborate than the planting of young plants but still possible. Whoever owns a strain that is seeding can let the seeds dry at the plant, harvest them in the fall and use them for sowing in jump.

However it is causeless that the new plants don't have the identical characteristics of the mother plant and can look completely different. Simply this can exist quite interesting.

Pre-growing indoors

  • the best sowing date is the springtime
  • propagation in the house at temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees
  • distribute seeds in the potting compost and slightly cover with substrate
  • keep the substrate slightly moist and cover with translucent foil
  • once the seedlings accept two-3 leaves, prick out
  • cultivate in shells until next spring
  • after a brusk hardening stage in the springtime, institute with plant distances of approx. 30 cm
Hosta ‚Captain Kirk'
Hosta ‚Captain Kirk'



Hostas are extremely popular not only for hobby gardeners, also snails have also dear to eat them. Among the pests, snails are the largest enemy of these plants. Inappreciably any found in the garden tastes better than the Plantain lily. Non merely are the immature shoots endangered, but the entire plant.

As soon every bit the young shoots show up in the leap, information technology is fourth dimension to preclude a snail infestation. This can be done by distributing snail grains, ideally biological snail grain, around the plants. Meanwhile, there are likewise Hostas offered which are less susceptible to these pests, such every bit the varieties 'Halcyon', 'Big Daddy', 'June' or 'Sum and Substance'.


Beside snails tin too be the Otiorhynchus, a seven-12 cm large beetle and its larvas, which are very similar to agents white grubs damage the Hosta. This beetle is non particularly finicky about its dietary program. Beetles and larvas are very stubborn and occur particularly in dry and raw humus rich soils.

An infestation is clearly recognisable semicircle eating amercement at edges of the leaves. Preferably flowerpots filled with woods wool are placed in the immediate vicinity of falling plants. The beetles and so accumulate in the pot so that they can be collected and removed. The larvas tin can be fought well-nigh effectively with nematodes.

Hosta ‚Captain Kirk'
Hosta ‚Captain Kirk'


Amidst the pathogens, the then-called Hosta Virus X tin can go hazardous to the Hostas, which in Frg has been spreading always since the turn of the millennium. Infected plants endure from dwarfism and are recognizable by abnormally fatigued or speckled leaves and discolorations along the leaf nerves.

The tissue has sunk in the case of advanced infestation. When determining an infestation, the unabridged plant should be excavated immediately and disposed of in household waste to forbid the spread to other Hosta plants. In club to foreclose this virus from occurring during the purchase of plants, it should be thoroughly checked for appropriate damages.


This diversity selection of this worldwide popular ornamental plant is impressive. There are also small dwarf varieties side by side to very big ones and those with dissimilar, various patterns dyes, and panachages of the leaves. They impress with cherry petioles and curled or wavy foliage margins. Some of them grow upright, others overhang. To the many already known varieties countless new ones are added every year.

Hosta albomarginata
Hosta albomarginata

While the largest sorts like the yellowish leaved Behemothic Hosta 'Sum and Substance', tin reach heights up to 100cm, are the smallest sorts such as the 'Hosta pocket-size' are only 10-15 cm tall. The most important species in this land are the graceful Whitemargin-, the Blue-foliage-, the Narrow-leaf- and the Bell Hosta.

Graceful Whitemargin Hostas (Hosta decorata)

  • the graceful Whitemargin Hosta reaches heights of 40-55 cm
  • it is mainly used as a groundcover
  • their leaves are green with a regular white leaf margin and the flowers are majestic
  • flowering time is betwixt July and Baronial
  • an exception is the variety of Hosta 'Decorata Normalis' here, it's the only one with continuous green leaves

Blue leaf Hostas (Hosta sieboldiana)

  • the heights of the Bluish-foliage Hostas are betwixt 50 and seventy cm
  • the petioles only get minimally higher than the leaf rosettes
  • the leaves are significantly larger than those of the graceful white-foliage Hosta
  • their leafage tops have an intense blue-green colour and from June to July the bright majestic flowers appear
  • it is well suitable for borders and woodland edges

Narrow leaf Hostas (Hosta sieboldii)

  • with heights between 20 and fifty cm Narrow-leaf Hostas vest to the smaller species and are reasonably well suited equally a groundcover
  • their leaves are dull medium light-green, yellowish or dark green with a regular white or a xanthous margin
  • with the exception of the variety 'Alba', which has pure white flowers, the other varieties of this species have purple flowers
  • those evidence up between July and Baronial

Bell Hostas (Hosta ventricosa)

  • the Bell Hosta is the most prevalent in our latitudes
  • information technology can become upwards to 100 cm high and therefore belongs to the large varieties
  • the middle-shaped leaves have a dark green color
  • the bell-shaped flowers are violet to bluish and show themselves roughly in August
  • the varieties 'Aureomarginata' with yellow margined leaves and 'Aureomaculata' yellow speckled leaves belong to the most beautiful varieties of this species
  • in combination with other plants, and in the single position, they unfold their whole splendour


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